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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Home Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelets, are cell-like particles found in the blood whose main function is initiating clotting of blood when a blood vessel is injured and or when one bleeds. Normally, they range between 150,000 to 450,000 per microliter of the whole blood.

Another function that platelets are becoming well known for are their wealth of growth factors useful in tissue repair and regeneration. In order to harness this utility, freshly collected blood from an individual is processed through various techniques to isolate and purify the platelet component so called platelet rich plasma (PRP). This then can be used as is or processed further depending on the need such as:

i. Jumpstart and Speed up healing of stalled chronic wounds.
ii. Restore thinning hair and balding scalp.
iii. Rejuvenate aging and wrinkling face (face lift or as derma filling).
iv. Ameliorate and heal arthritic joints
v. Ameliorate and better degenerated/torn muscles and ligaments.
vi. Improve scars and skin blemishes.
vii. Improve thinned (atrophied) and chronically inflamed tissues.

Depending on the technique used to process the PRP, the dosing of the platelet may range from a low dosing to a high dosing of up to 1,200,000 per microliter. A concentration close to the latter, is desirable to derive full benefit of natural healing/regenerative power of the platelets.

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